Bullet Journaling Tips
- Start new custom collections with a mission statement to stay focused on what's important. Five whys is a great exercise to help get to the root of what really needs to be accomplished. It also helps avoid "junk drawer" collections that ultimately serve no purpose.
- Don't depend on colors or fancy artwork lest your system fall apart when you can't find the right color pens or left your stencils in the office.
- "Word wrap" at two blocks (when using a dot journal) to prevent words running off of the page and to provide a little extra margin for later addendum/correction.
- Write-out your schedule each day to see it at-a-glance.
- Keep a "family" collection with a list of medical conditions (e.g. allergies) for each family member, for use in emergencies.
- Create a list of key accomplishments at the end of each month as part of the migration process. This is particularly helpful when preparing for performance reviews at work.
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Bullet Journaling
A method of to organize schedules, reminders, task lists, and brainstorming with into a single notebook