
A terminal is a text-based application that reads and writes to a shell. A "shell" and a "terminal" may be the same application (such as PowerShell) or they may be different applications (such as with Windows Terminal).

Common terminal keyboard shortcuts

Scroll up through previous commands
Scroll down through previous commands
Ctrl+aJump to beginning of lineWorks in most text editors
Ctrl+eJump to end of lineWorks in most text editors
Ctrl+lClear screenSimilar to the clear command
Ctrl+rSearch & execute previous command
Ctrl+uDelete everything to the left of the cursorWorks in VS Code
Ctrl+kDelete everything to the right of the cursorWorks in VS Code

Resources to learn about terminals

Deeper Knowledge on Terminals

Command-line Interfaces (CLI)

Command-line Interfaces (CLI)

Programs that take commands through terminals and shells

Bourne Again Shell (Bash)

Bourne Again Shell (Bash)

A Unix shell



Shells process text based commands

Git Bash

Git Bash

A Bash emulator and terminal for Windows



PowerShell: A command-line shell and scripting language

Broader Topics Related to Terminals



Shells process text based commands

Terminals Knowledge Graph